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Waterloo Gentlemen’s League - RULZ! 2016


All Current USGA rules will be observed with the following Exceptions:


  • Double Par Rule – A maximum score of double par per hole. If you have not completed the hole by your “double par” shot, pick up the ball and score the card with double par and the letter “P”, (pick-up).  A “P” scored on the hole is considered an additional stroke for “hole” and “team” totals, but not for calculating handicap. If you hole out on the “double par” you have the option of placing the letter “A”, (actual), after the score for clarification. Example: An actual 10a, (counts as 10), beats a 10p, (counts as 11).

  • Out of Bounds – On or over the road on holes 1, 2, 3, 10, 15 and 16. Property (fence) lines on holes 3, 4, 5, 16, and 17. A (1) stroke penalty is assessed, player has option to re-tee (if starting on the tee), drop a ball from where the shot was struck or drop a ball within (2) club lengths  from the balls flight path, not closer to the hole. (see rule #5, from tee only).

  • Winter Rules – Applies only to balls in the fairway, not hazards. If your ball lies in an area that is regularly mowed and is lying in water/mud, bare earth, divot/hole or near a rock/stone, you may move your ball to a “hittable” location, no closer to the hole or improving your position, with no penalty assessed. Exceptions; if your ball is in the fairway and an obstacle is between you and the hole, you cannot move your ball laterally (left/right), to take the obstacle out of play.  All sand traps have a “Rake and Drop” option. You may pick up your ball, rake sand and drop ball from “standing eye level” to the original spot with no penalty.

  • Telephone/power Wires – Holes 2, 13 and 17. If your ball hits an overhanging telephone or power wire, player may choose to hit another ball without penalty assessed but “first” ball is now out-of-play.

  • From the tee only – If your tee shot goes in a hazard or you “top” the ball and it goes a few feet, you have the option to re-tee (from the tee box), and hit another ball. If you choose to re-tee, you are assed a (1) stroke penalty, you are now lying (2), hitting your 3rd shot. If your tee shot goes out of bounds (to speed up play), you may drop another ball anywhere on its original flight path, and you are assessed a (1) stroke penalty. 

  • Hazard Rule – If you strike your ball into a hazard, and lose your ball, you are penalized (1) stroke and you must drop another ball within (2) club lengths from where it entered the hazard, not laterally, on the ball’s original flight path.

  • No Shows – Absent players with established handicaps are penalized (5) strokes and scored blind. For example, Keith has a handicap of 18, he’s not here by 5:45, he receives a score of par + 18 +5.  If both players are absent, both players are penalized (5) strokes and scored blind. The opposing team must complete their round on that given night and cannot be scored more than 5 over their respective handicaps. Teams with absent player(s) cannot win totals, (2) points. If absent player does not have an established handicap, no points are awarded to that team.  All (11) points are awarded to the other team.  If no match is played, no points are awarded to either team. Make-up rounds are strongly encouraged, and can be played any time prior to the next league night, there is a member contact list maintained by the League Manager.

  • Putting – If you are giving or given a putt, it is counted as a stroke.

  • Season lasts (20) weeks, tee times can start as early as 4:00, considered a no-show at 5:45 pm. You cannot cut in front of other groups already started without the group’s permission unless you jump (2) holes ahead.

  • Weather Issues - We play rain or shine except when lightning is present or the course is soaked. Play may be delayed due to weather, call the course before the evenings matches for further information. Keith Haglund has the final call.

  • Pre-Round Play – It is permissible to play the same side that the league will play for the entirety of the day. Practice putting is allowed prior to league start on hole #9.

  • Team Numbers - Calculated by previous year’s standings, new teams start on the bottom.


Scoring and Handicaps


  • (11) Point system – Combined team scores, (1) point per hole, (2) points for low net totals. Example;

       Team #1 shot a 4 and a 5, Team #2 shoots a 3 and a 4. Team #2 gets a point. If Team #1’s higher total handicap caused Team #2 to give them 2 strokes then the hole would end up as a tie with both teams scoring half a point.

  • League Flighting - . League will be flighted (“A”&”B”) based on first half standings. All teams will play every other team at least once prior to league flighting. After flighting "A" flight teams will only play "A" flight teams, same for "B" flight. Flights will have an even number of teams with the smaller number of teams in “A” Flight. If possible, all “A” flight teams should play one another before the championship.

  • Team Flight Champions - Teams in contention for first place in both flights will play head to head matches the last night on the Front side. The remaining matches will pair 3rd v 4th, 5th v 6th and so on, in both flights with “fun night” format to be determined by the remaining teams.

  • Team Scoring – Each team totals their handicaps (player A plus player B) to arrive at a team handicap. The higher handicap team is given (1) stroke for every stroke difference, (2) strokes maximum per hole, on the hardest to easiest holes. (See score card handicap).

  • Determining Handicaps – An 80% quality factor will be multiplied into everyone’s handicap. After a round has been played on the respective side, the scores are averaged and multiplied by the 80% quality factor. Once 5 rounds have been played on each respective side, a 5 round average handicap is calculated with the highest and lowest round dropped for the rest of this season. 80% QF always applies.

  • Establishing Handicap for Subs – For a new sub to establish a handicap, they must “post” (4) scores, front or back nine. The most recent front nine scores will be averaged to determine a front nine handicap and most recent back nine scores will be averaged to determine the back nine average and a 60% quality factor is multiplied in. Example: Sub shoots (44), (46), (48) on the front nine and shoots (46) on the back nine. His front nine average is (46) which is an (11) handicap, multiplied by .6 which gives him a 7.  His back nine handicap is calculated using the handicap chart, since he only has one score, and that is an (8) handicap.

  • Maximum handicap – A player’s handicap can be no more than (18).

  • Subs – Un-established subs start out with a zero handicap the first time playing at or after the halfway split. Players are responsible for getting their own subs. We have a list of subs if you cannot find one yourself. Subs must have established handicaps the last (3) weeks of play for teams in contention.  Substitutes have a 60% quality factor computed into their handicaps until established, then the normal 80% QF applies. Make-up rounds are strongly encouraged as an option to subs. Un-established subs cannot play on position night.

  • Awards – End of year trophies for first place in flights “A”&”B”.  Weekly prizes awarded for games of chance and skill.

  • League Fees - $35.00 per member. See Keith for greens fees and cart fees.

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